Friday, 29 May 2009


ok... so I've been down in the dumps... Writing forever as it seems essay work has been center of attention.... mostly because i felt i had lost my "artistic mojo" the project i had been doing for 3 weeks, went to pot.
But it seems KAIY is back and again wowing fello students on bright colours and explinations of how she sees the world as a synaesthesic.... Yes im still trying to explain but the girls in my class seem to enjoy the colours and patterns i tare from my sight in a combonation of exposures alittle like a photograph..but my synaesthesia not a photo of a pretty view.... You might enjoy... I will explain what is happening in each one don't you worry...

Ok, big blue flash.. This is only 2/3 of the whole painting. But as a whole the image is a 20 second exposure of lighning crashing. yes you read it right. In an instromental piece By Evanescence called eternal is a section purely on rain and lightning. rain is a sort of blue with a tinge of green and then lightning is a big bright blue sort of forcing its way out. (from the 3 minute mark to 3 minutes 20 seconds on, )

This pretty star is a 5 second exposure from Will You? By L'ame Immortelle at 3 minutes 30 seconds to 3 minutes 35 seconds.

they have cut the first part off theres supposed to be another 8 counts before hand but here on here just behore the voices kick in 2 times over is what you have in this image...

Sunday, 17 May 2009

So... CTRL,ALT,DEL (control alt delete) the show is DONE.

The madness of our Show is done. Just the shakespeare in London SO KEEP AN EYE OUT all you Londoners around the London eye area for THE MANX NATIONAL YOUTH THEATRE..... WOOOOOT...
ok the horrible bit Photo evidence of the wigs and dress code for "THE PHAAAAANTOM OF THE OPERA is there.... Inside My mind"..... Yes i sung but no not that song... was an ultimate of 30 seconds.. my part was as CARLOTTA the PRIMADONNA DIVA...

oh and THANKYOU to Fiona and friend for the costumes (the blue dress was especialy made in my size because i'm a skinny runt)

Saturday, 2 May 2009


A show!!! My second performance in the only theatre/ opera house my rock has... YES. im getting nervous. Only 2 weeks to go and i have at least 4 wigs to make. out of paper hopefully BEFORE technical and dress rehersals. THAT leaves me 6 days. and on top of this, I have college work.. so "no preassure"...
Luckily for me. 1 wig finnished. The biggest wig. THE ONE I AM WEARING as Carlotta from Phantom of the opera. This is a veriety show. so only have to wear it for a scene twice. YEY...