Sunday, 17 May 2009

So... CTRL,ALT,DEL (control alt delete) the show is DONE.

The madness of our Show is done. Just the shakespeare in London SO KEEP AN EYE OUT all you Londoners around the London eye area for THE MANX NATIONAL YOUTH THEATRE..... WOOOOOT...
ok the horrible bit Photo evidence of the wigs and dress code for "THE PHAAAAANTOM OF THE OPERA is there.... Inside My mind"..... Yes i sung but no not that song... was an ultimate of 30 seconds.. my part was as CARLOTTA the PRIMADONNA DIVA...

oh and THANKYOU to Fiona and friend for the costumes (the blue dress was especialy made in my size because i'm a skinny runt)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skinny Yes!!! But as ever, near perfect, well OK, nice... well actually bloody orrible, well to me anyway... Naa Just joking, well except for the last bit, but at least I know now you tart up quite well, you look great... But then you always do....