Tuesday, 3 November 2009

whilst MY boyfriend was away

Yes My boyfriend of 4 weeks...and last week he was away being his big brother's best man in MiltonKeynes in england..

The girls and i had decided to have an early HALLOWEEN. only becasue the girls were off to Burnley for a performance and I was working all weekend...

I dont think we look too bad..... we would certianly pass for the next casting for Hokus Pokus. either that or something from a tim Burton Film.... *chuckles*

other than that... what can i say... I havn't got my camera with me at t moment so cant take pictures of my lates madness..

That includes my bedroom which is presently half packed to move....

*note to self get more boxes*

in a couple of weeks Little miss Kaiy will no longer be living with her Mum or Dad... a good portion of my kit will be at my new place before mum gets back home from Kiwi land (newzealand) and then will let her settle into married life before i go bombarding in demending for my wardrobe and draws worth of clothes and my boxes from there..

anways ...

Points of the day

*Richard is at work till about 2(lunchtime)
*I get the morning to myself
*time with richard
*half packed
*good luck t mum and batolly in kiwiland... miss you....

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