Thursday 22 January 2009

something new.

A friend had an old Art magaziene and i spotted a double page spread that looked like my work from where i was sat (a good 4 meters away) so asked if i could have a mooch once she had finnished.

I had found the work of Eugene Von Bruenchenhein (i think it's spelt)usualy took photo of his wife in an exotic expression and silverpainted them (they were black and white)
But these, these caught my eye. These to me are beautiful just as patterns, not as they say they are.
"animals appear as plant dwellers of the sea". in oil
(couldnt see what the second one's title was ) also in oil.


Jane Hards Photography said...

These remind me of something called fractal art. Mesmerising

Jap Samuray said...

i like those picture.. it reminds me of movement of some creature like dragon or something like that..